Follows a struggling high school heavy metal band of outcasts who use the town's sudden interest in the occult to start a reputation as a Satanic metal band, until a strange series of events triggers a witch hunt that leads back to them..
Hysteria by Def Lepard, Heaven's on fire by KISS, Speaking in tongues by Meatloaf, Can I play with madness by Iron Maiden, Die young by Black Sabbath, Mother by Danzig, It's late by Queen and Dance Macabre by Ghost..
I had a hard time going to work and Waiting to be finished!Bruce Campbell plays the sheriff and that alone is awesome, But it takes place in the 80s during the Satanic panic and has just about everything you could want out of a show!
A bit of Horror, comedy and a lot of heart!I'm definitely going to revisit it from start to finish because I got through the whole thing in less than a day!If you wanna have a fun time during the Halloween season , I highly suggest this show!